Chalkboard Calendar and Weather Pack

$7.04 including GST

Your students will love using this cute and bright chalkboard calendar and weather package every day!

This product is a digital product and will be downloadable after purchase.


Your students will love using this cute and bright chalkboard calendar and weather package every day!

Print out and laminate and use in a number of different ways in your classroom.

The package includes:
* An example image of how to display your calendar
* Calendar base (colour and black & white versions)
* Numbers 1-31 (in black & white AND 2 other colors)
* Jan-Dec months of the year cards (black & white AND color versions)
* Mon-Sun days of the week cards (black & white AND color versions)
* 2017-2025 year cards
* 1st-31st date cards
* ‘of’ and ‘the’ cards
* Today is…, Tomorrow is…, Yesterday was…, The weather is…, The season is… labels
* Days, Months and Seasons headings
* Seasons cards – Summer, Autumn, Fall, Winter (2 versions) and Spring
* 6x weather cards
* Thermometer and arrow

Print this resource nice and large on A3 or A2 paper.

More chalkboard themed resources:
Chalkboard Number Posters 0-30
Chalkboard Owl Themed Desk Name Plates | Labels **Editable**
Chalkboard Welcome Poster with Swirls **Editable
Chalkboard Bunting Name Badge Labels for Plastic Card Holders
Chalkboard Bunting Desk Name Plates | Labels **Editable**
Chalkboard Visual Timetable Schedule Cards
Chalkboard Behavior Reward Peg Chart | Clip Chart **Editable**
Chalkboard Class Rules Poster **Editable** 
Chalkboard Attendance Chart

** This product may be printed and photocopied by the original purchaser only and may not be shared, copied or distributed in any way. Please respect the copyright of my products by directing your colleagues to my store. Multiple licences must be purchased if you wish to use this resource with other teachers.**

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