Year 1 Australian Curriculum Planning Templates: English

$4.62 including GST

These Australian Curriculum Planning Templates for Year One English will make your planning simple and organised. Stay accountable and keep your planning all in one place. This document can be added to throughout the year.

This product is a digital product and will be downloadable after purchase.


This product contains all the Year 1 English outcomes, separated onto 3 pages:

– Language
– Literature
– Literacy

Each individual outcome has space for you to make notes, dot points, and ideas. This easily allows you to find gaps in your planning and ensures each outcome is covered. The downloadable templates are provided as a PDF and an editable PowerPoint file so that you can TYPE in your ideas if you prefer. Simply add text boxes where required, type in your information and print!

TIP: Here’s how I use this document:
1. Print documents in A3.
2. Make dot points of all my ideas and lessons for each outcome.
3. Add my ideas to the document continuously throughout the year.
4. Highlight my dot points/ lessons as they are taught. (This makes it really clear which outcomes I haven’t covered yet).

** This product may be printed and photocopied by the original purchaser only and may not be shared, copied or distributed in any way. Please respect the copyright of my products by directing your colleagues to my store. Multiple licences must be purchased if you wish to use this resource with other teachers.**


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