Measuring Length of Feet with Informal Units Worksheet

$0.00 including GST

This simple worksheet allows students to trace their foot on and measure the length of their foot with blocks. (In my classroom, we used 1cm cubes).

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This measuring length of feet downloadable worksheet asks students to compare the length of their foot to their peers and find a foot that is shorter and longer than their own. When we did this activity in my classroom, I took a photo of the children measuring with the blocks and glued it onto the worksheet. You could also provide small cut-out squares or other shapes to glue onto the page to measure with instead.

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** This product (measuring length of feet) may be printed and photocopied by the original purchaser only and may not be shared, copied or distributed in any way. Please respect the copyright of my products by directing your colleagues to my store. Multiple licences must be purchased if you wish to use this resource with other teachers.**

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